Who We Are

Dr. Jen is a behavior analyst who specializes in working with clients and their families to improve their daily lives. Through experience in working directly with her clients in the community, Dr. Jen can assist in identifying strategies that make life easier,


Dr. Jen Quigley

Jennifer Quigley, Ph.D., BCBA-D, is a doctoral-level board-certified behavior analyst specializing in the treatment of behaviors that are disrupting the client’s daily life and making their goals more difficult to achieve. In addition to providing community-based services, she works as an instructor at the Chicago School and as an adjunct professor.

Dr. Jen completed her Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis through The Chicago School. She received a degree in special education: severe and multiple disabilities from West Virginia University. She completed her certification coursework through the University of Massachusetts Lowell Campus.

Her areas of interest and expertise include meeting clients where they are, identifying real-life strategies that fit into their everyday lives, and supporting her clients through behavior change that is goal-oriented.

Dr. Jen’s career has focused primarily on providing behavior-analytic services to students in residential care programs, and school and community settings. She has presented at local, national, and international conferences on a variety of topics including community reintegration for children who demonstrate dangerous behavior, alternate modifications to functional analyses, and analyses of teaching strategies to ensure effective and efficient teaching plans.

She has been an author and researcher of several articles published in a variety of behavior analytic journals. Topics of these papers include analysis of effective teaching strategies targeting a play skill, increasing compliance of prostheses wearing, further analysis of the utility of latency-based measures within functional analyses, and evaluations of reinforcer and preference assessments. She is an editor and author of the textbook, Applied Behavior Analysis in the General Education Classroom and a contributing author to a chapter on observing behavior within Applied Behavior Analysis: A Comprehensive Handbook edited by Johnny Matson.

Dr. Jen is a member of the Association for Behavior Analysts International and the Pennsylvania Applied Behavior Analysis chapter. She enjoys collaborating with colleagues, families, and related service providers to help each student reach their fullest potential.

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